Catalog History

Country Title Year Created Modified
Bangladesh Handbook on Impact Evaluation: Quantitative Methods and Practices - Exercises 2009 2009 04/11/2011 11/20/2013
Bangladesh Integrated Pest Management 2003 2003 04/11/2011 11/22/2013
Pakistan Learning and Educational Achievement in Punjab Schools (LEAPS) - 2003 2003 04/11/2011 12/06/2016
Pakistan Learning and Educational Achievement in Punjab Schools (LEAPS) - 2004 2004 04/11/2011 12/06/2016
Pakistan Learning and Educational Achievement in Punjab Schools (LEAPS) - Master Data 2003-2006 2003 04/11/2011 12/06/2016
Argentina National Population and Housing Census 1980 - IPUMS Subset 1980 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Argentina National Population and Housing Census 1991 - IPUMS Subset 1991 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Argentina National Population, Households, and Dwellings Census 2001 - IPUMS Subset 2001 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Armenia Population and Housing Census 2001 - IPUMS Subset 2001 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Belarus Population Census of the Republic of Belarus 1999 - IPUMS Subset 1999 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Bolivia National Census of Housing and Population 1976 - IPUMS Subset 1976 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Bolivia National Census of Housing and Population 1992 - IPUMS Subset 1992 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Bolivia National Census of Housing and Population 2001 - IPUMS Subset 2001 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Brazil VII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1960 - IPUMS Subset 1960 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Brazil VIII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1970 - IPUMS Subset 1970 04/20/2011 06/02/2019
Brazil IX Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1980 - IPUMS Subset 1980 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Brazil X Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico 1991 - IPUMS Subset 1991 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Brazil XI Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico 2000 - IPUMS Subset 2000 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Cambodia General Population Census of Cambodia 1998 - IPUMS Subset 1998 04/20/2011 05/03/2018
Chile XIII Censo General de Población. II Censo de Vivienda 1960 - IPUMS Subset 1960 04/20/2011 04/19/2019
Chile XIV Censo Nacional de Población y III de Vivienda 1970 - IPUMS Subset 1970 04/20/2011 04/19/2019
Chile XV Censo Nacional de Población y IV de Vivienda 1982 - IPUMS Subset 1982 04/20/2011 04/19/2019
Chile XVI Censo Nacional de Población y V de Vivienda 1992 - IPUMS Subset 1992 04/20/2011 04/19/2019
Chile XVII Censo Nacional de Población y VI de Vivienda 2002 - IPUMS Subset 2002 04/20/2011 04/19/2019
China Third National Population Census 1982 - IPUMS Subset 1982 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
China Fourth National Population Census 1990 - IPUMS Subset 1990 04/20/2011 04/18/2019
Gambia Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Gambia Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Tanzania Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Tanzania Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Eswatini Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 07/18/2018
Eswatini Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 07/18/2018
Rwanda Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Rwanda Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Namibia Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Namibia Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Mauritania Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Mauritania Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Guinea-Bissau Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Guinea-Bissau Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Congo, Dem. Rep. Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Congo, Dem. Rep. Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Botswana Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Botswana Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Bhutan Employee Survey 2009 2009 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Burundi Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Burundi Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Angola Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Angola Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/21/2011 09/26/2013
Colombia XIII National Population and II Housing Census 1964 - IPUMS Subset 1964 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Colombia XIV National Population and III Housing Census 1973 - IPUMS Subset 1973 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Colombia XV National Population and IV Housing Census 1985 - IPUMS Subset 1985 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Colombia XVI National Population and V de Housing Census1993 - IPUMS Subset 1993 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Colombia General Census (XVII of Population and Dwelling and VI of Housing) 2005 - IPUMS Subset 2005 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Costa Rica VI Censo Nacional de Población y II de Vivienda 1963 - IPUMS Subset 1963 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Costa Rica Censos Nacionales. III de Vivienda – VII de Población 1973 - IPUMS Subset 1973 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Costa Rica Censos Nacionales. Octavo Censo Nacional de Población. Cuarto Censo Nacional de Vivienda 1984 - IPUMS Subset N/A 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Costa Rica Censos Nacionales IX de Población y V de Vivienda 2000 - IPUMS Subset N/A 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Cuba The Census of Population and Dwellings 2002 - IPUMS Subset 2002 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Ecuador Censos de Población y Vivienda 1962 - IPUMS Subset N/A 04/21/2011 08/27/2019
Ecuador III Censo de Población y II de Vivienda 1974 - IPUMS Subset 1974 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Ecuador IV Censo de Población y III de Vivienda 1982 - IPUMS Subset 1982 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Ecuador V Censo de Población y IV de Vivienda 1990 - IPUMS Subset 1990 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Ecuador VI Censo de Población y V de Vivienda 2001 - IPUMS Subset 2001 04/21/2011 02/26/2020
Egypt, Arab Rep. Population Housing and Establishment Census 1996 - IPUMS Subset 1996 04/22/2011 03/13/2019
Ghana Population and Housing Census 2000 - IPUMS Subset 2000 04/22/2011 05/01/2018
Guinea General Census of Population and Housing 1983 - IPUMS Subset 1983 04/22/2011 05/01/2018
Iraq Population and Housing Census 1997 - IPUMS Subset 1997 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Jordan Population and Housing Census 2004 - IPUMS Subset 2004 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Kenya Population and Housing census 1989 - IPUMS Subset 1989 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Kenya Population and Housing census 1999 - IPUMS Subset 1999 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Kyrgyz Republic First National Population Census of the Kyrgyz Republic 1999 - IPUMS Subset 1999 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Malaysia Population and Housing Census 1970 - IPUMS Subset 1970 04/22/2011 05/01/2018
Malaysia Population and Housing Census 1980 - IPUMS Subset 1980 04/22/2011 05/01/2018
Malaysia Population and Housing Census 1991 - IPUMS Subset 1991 04/22/2011 05/01/2018
Malaysia Population and Housing Census 2000 - IPUMS Subset 2000 04/22/2011 05/01/2018
Mali General Census of Population and Housing 1987 - IPUMS Subset 1987 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Mali General Census of Population and Housing 1998 - IPUMS Subset 1998 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Mexico VIII General Population and Housing Census 1960 - IPUMS Subset 1960 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Mexico IX General Population and Housing Census 1970 - IPUMS Subset 1970 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Mexico XI General Population and Housing Census 1990 - IPUMS Subset 1990 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Mexico Population and Dwelling Count 1995 - IPUMS Subset 1995 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Mexico XII General Population and Housing Census 2000 - IPUMS Subset 2000 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Mexico Count of Population and Dwellings 2005 - IPUMS Subset 2005 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Mongolia Population and Housing Census 1989 - IPUMS Subset 1989 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Mongolia Population and Housing Census 2000 - IPUMS Subset 2000 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Nepal National Population Census 2001 - IPUMS Subset 2001 04/22/2011 04/23/2018
Pakistan Population Census 1972 - IPUMS Subset, Housing, Economic and Demographic Survey 1972 04/22/2011 04/19/2019
Pakistan Housing and Population Census 1980-81 - IPUMS Subset 1981 04/22/2011 04/23/2018
Pakistan Fifth Housing and Population Census Pakistan 1998 - IPUMS Subset 1998 04/22/2011 04/24/2018
Panama Sexto Censo de Población y Segundo de Vivienda de Panamá 1960 - IPUMS Subset 1960 04/22/2011 04/24/2018
Panama Séptimo Censo de Población y Tercero de Vivienda de Panamá 1970 - IPUMS Subset 1970 04/22/2011 04/24/2018
Panama Octavo Censo Nacional de Población y Cuarto de Vivienda de Panamá 1980 - IPUMS Subset 1980 04/22/2011 04/24/2018
Panama Noveno Censo Nacional de Población y Quinto de Vivienda de Panamá 1990 - IPUMS Subset 1990 04/22/2011 04/24/2018
Panama X Censo Nacional de Población y VI de Vivienda de Panamá 2000 - IPUMS Subset 2000 04/22/2011 04/24/2018
Peru National Censuses: IX Population and IV Housing Peru 1993 - IPUMS Subset 1993 04/22/2011 04/24/2018
Peru Nationala Censuses: 11th Population Census and 6th Housing Census 2007 - IPUMS Subset 2007 04/22/2011 04/24/2018
Senegal Migration and Remittances Household Survey 2009 2009 04/26/2011 04/15/2022
Ethiopia Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/26/2011 04/11/2018
Republic of Cabo Verde Enterprise Survey 2006 2006 04/26/2011 02/19/2014
Showing 301-400 of 5570