Inquire if this household has (...) ”HR2TYPE” if the option answer is 1. Ya , ask the amount of (...). there are 30 items that must be questionned for this section, item 1 - 30 in HR04, the answer is in number, while for item number 27 is in grams.
Case example;
A respondent says he has a building ( HR01 line d =1 ) for Rp 10 million (HR02). Respondent also explains that the house is not completely owned by him, but the one fifth of the house belongs to the the parent outside the household (HR03=3), (20 %),in this case, HR03 is the part of household 80%, and HR4 line d must be filled 8.000.000.
Special for HR04 (value), approximation information ( approximation ) for all item is good enough for this study. It requires the close number, not only the lists.
For questions HR05 and HR06, respondents is asked about the assets in the HR2TYPE, if they own it, but if they do not, continue to other assets. If they own the asset, ask the number/value in HR06.
Lahan/harta yng dimiliki oleh Rumah Tangga, baik yang digunakan untuk usaha maupun bukan untuk usaha, namun tidak termasuk Lahan/Harta yang disewa atau bagi hasil