INCWAGE is a 7-digit numeric variable.
9999998 = Unknown/missing.
9999999 = NIU (not in universe).
Israel 1983: 74,716+
Israel 1995: 20,000+
Canada 1971: 50,000+ females in Atlantic region; 75,000+ for others
Canada 1981: 75,000+ all females, males in Atlantic region; 100,000+ males other regions
Canada 1991-2001: 200,000+
Dominican Republic 1981: 2000+
Germany 1970: 2,500+
Indonesia 1995: 9,999,997+
Jamaica 1982: 100,000+
Jamaica 1991: 100,000+
Jamaica 2001: 3,000,000+
Panama 1970: 800+
Panama 2000: 9,997+
Panama 2010: 10,000+
Puerto Rico 1970-1980: 50,000+
Puerto Rico 1990: 140,000+
Puerto Rico 2000: 175,000+
Puerto Rico 2005: 999,999+
Puerto Rico 2010: 173,000+
U.S.A. 1960: 25,000+
U.S.A. 1970: 50,000+
U.S.A. 1980: 75,000+
U.S.A. 1990: State median of values over 140,000
U.S.A. 2000: State median of values over 175,000
U.S.A. 2005: 99.5th percentile within each state (Higher values are the state means of all cases above these cutoffs.)
U.S.A. 2010: 99.5th percentile within each state (Higher values are the state means of all cases above these cutoffs.)