Value |
Category |
10 |
Full-time working population |
11 |
Part-time working population |
12 |
Working population with several part-time jobs |
13 |
Apprentices |
14 |
Working population not otherwise specified |
15 |
Unemployed |
16 |
Non-working population in training |
17 |
Non-working population performing non-profit work and/or household work |
18 |
Non-working population living off of retirement or investment income |
19 |
Other non-working |
21 |
Full time working population and one or several part-time jobs |
22 |
Full-time working population and unemployed |
23 |
Part-time working population and unemployed |
24 |
Working population with several part-time jobs and unemployed |
25 |
Full-time working population and in training |
26 |
Part-time working population and in training |
27 |
Working population with several part-time jobs and in training |
28 |
Unemployed and in training |
32 |
Part-time working population, unemployed and in training |
34 |
Full-time working population, one or several part-time jobs or in training |
35 |
Other persons with three or more occupation statuses |
99 |
NIU (not in universe) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.