Fragility, Conflict and Violence

A repository of data, reproducible code, and analysis from multiple types and sources, intended to support analytical work for research and operations on issues related to forced displacement, food insecurity, and other aspects of fragility and conflict.

Showing 1,066-1,080 of 1,424 studies

Food Insecurity Experience Scale 2020
Nigeria, 2020
ID: NGA_2020_FIES_v01_M_v01_A_OCS Last modified: Jan 11, 2023 Views: 1508
Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey 2020
Nigeria, 2020
ID: NGA_2020_LIS_v01_M Last modified: Apr 13, 2022 Views: 4392
Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic Among Persons of Concern, July 2020
Nigeria, 2020
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Collection: United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) | Fragility, Conflict and Violence
ID: NGA_2020_SEA_v01_M Last modified: May 13, 2021 Views: 10417
National Social Safety Nets Project Livelihood Pilot Baseline Survey 2019
Nigeria, 2019
Kehinde Ajayi, Thomas Bossuroy, Ayodele Fashogbon, Naira Kalra, Oyebola Okunogbe
Collection: Impact Evaluation Surveys | Fragility, Conflict and Violence
ID: NGA_2019_NASSPIE-BL_v01_M Last modified: Nov 02, 2022 Views: 12912
World Bank Group Country Survey 2019
Nigeria, 2019
ID: NGA_2019_WBCS_v01_M Last modified: Nov 12, 2019 Views: 20896
COVID-19 National Longitudinal Phone Survey 2020 – World Bank LSMS Harmonized Dataset
Nigeria, 2018-2021
ID: NGA_2020_NLPS_v01_M_v02_A_COVID Last modified: Oct 25, 2021 Views: 27348
Demographic and Health Survey 2018
Nigeria, 2018
National Population Commission (NPC)
Collection: MEASURE DHS: Demographic and Health Surveys | Fragility, Conflict and Violence
ID: NGA_2018_DHS_v01_M Last modified: Nov 12, 2019 Views: 139061
General Household Survey, Panel 2018-2019, Wave 4
Nigeria, 2018-2019
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
Collection: Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) | Fragility, Conflict and Violence
ID: NGA_2018_GHSP-W4_v03_M Last modified: Oct 05, 2021 Views: 570693
Good Growth Plan 2018-2019
Nigeria, 2018-2019
ID: NGA_2018-2019_GGP-P_v01_M_v01_A_OCS Last modified: Jan 30, 2023 Views: 6343
Incidence of Severe Acute Malnutrition After Treatment: A Prospective Matched Cohort Study in Sokoto, Nigeria 2018-2019
Nigeria, 2018-2019
Oxford Policy Management Ltd.
Collection: Impact Evaluation Surveys | Fragility, Conflict and Violence
ID: NGA_2018-2019_CMAM_v01_M Last modified: Dec 08, 2021 Views: 12226
Living Standards Survey 2018-2019
Nigeria, 2018-2019
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
Collection: Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) | Fragility, Conflict and Violence
ID: NGA_2018_LSS_v01_M Last modified: Jan 12, 2021 Views: 174217
Profile of Internally Displaced Persons in North-East Nigeria 2018
Nigeria, 2018
Utz Pape, Henry Kwenin
Collection: Fragility, Conflict and Violence
ID: NGA_2018_IDP_v01_M Last modified: Feb 14, 2019 Views: 84971
Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis 2018
Nigeria, 2018
Food and Agriculture Organization
Collection: FAO - Food and Agriculture Microdata Catalog | Fragility, Conflict and Violence
ID: NGA_2018_RIMA_v01_M_v01_A_OCS Last modified: Feb 06, 2023 Views: 16791
Youth Empowerment and Social Support Operations (YESSO) Impact Evaluation of Skills for Jobs Training Programme 2018
Nigeria, 2018
Oyebola M. Okunogbe, Thomas Bussuroy, Muthoni Ngatia, Ayodele Fashogbon
Collection: Impact Evaluation Surveys | Fragility, Conflict and Violence
ID: NGA_2018_YESSO-S4JIE-BL_v01_M Last modified: May 13, 2024 Views: 4699
Afrobarometer Survey 2017, Round 7
Nigeria, 2017
Ghana Centre for Democratic Development (CDD), Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa (IJR), Institute for Empirical Research in Political Economy (IREEP), Institute for Development Studies (IDS), Michigan State University (MSU), University of Cape Town (UCT, South Africa)
Collection: Afrobarometer | Fragility, Conflict and Violence
ID: NGA_2017_AFB-R7_v01_M Last modified: Apr 26, 2021 Views: 7524
Showing 1,066-1,080 of 1,424 studies
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