Catalog History

Country Title Year Created Modified
South Africa October Household Survey 1996 1996 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa Population Census 1996 1996 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
Honduras Encuesta Nacional de Epidemiología y Salud Familiar 1996 1996 02/06/2012 07/08/2014
Chad Enquête Démographique et de Santé 1996-1997 1996 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
Nepal Family Health Survey 1996 1996 02/26/2013 06/21/2017
Peru Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar 1996 1996 02/26/2013 06/21/2017
Dominican Republic Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud 1996 1996 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
Comoros Enquête Démographique et de Santé 1996 1996 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
South Africa Attitudes of White South Africans Towards the Truth and Reconciliation Commission 1996 1996 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa School Register of Needs Survey 1996 1996 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa Crime and Community Action 1996-1997, PAGAD and the Cape Flats 1996 01/09/2013 04/11/2018
Uruguay General Population Census VII Home III and Housing V 1996 - IPUMS Subset 1996 11/06/2012 04/26/2018
Benin Enquête Démographique et de Santé 1996 1996 02/26/2013 05/26/2017
Brazil Pesquisa Nacional Sobre Demografia e Saúde 1996 1996 02/26/2013 05/31/2017
Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 1996-1997 1996 02/26/2013 05/26/2017
Tunisia Tunisian National Nutrition Survey 1996-1997 1996 10/30/2024 10/30/2024
Nicaragua National Census. Seventh Census of Population Third Census of Dwellings 1995 - IPUMS Subset 1995 11/05/2012 04/23/2018
Indonesia Intercensus Population Survey 1995 - IPUMS Subset 1995 10/10/2012 04/30/2018
South Africa All Media and Products Survey 1995 1995 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Income and Expenditure Survey 1995 1995 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
South Africa IDASA Local Election Study 1995 1995 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
Colombia Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud 1995 1995 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
Egypt, Arab Rep. Demographic and Health Survey 1995 1995 02/26/2013 09/26/2013
Guatemala Encuesta Nacional De Salud Materno Infantil 1995 1995 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
Kazakhstan Demographic and Health Survey 1995 1995 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
Mali Enquête Démographique et de Santé 1995-1996 1995 02/26/2013 06/21/2017
South Africa October Household Survey 1995 1995 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
Kenya, Mauritius, Malawi, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe SACMEQ I Project 1995-1998 1995 01/09/2013 04/27/2021
Europe and Central Asia EU Standards 1995-2003 1995 04/11/2011 05/27/2019
Azerbaijan Survey of Living Conditions 1995 1995 04/06/2011 01/30/2020
China Living Standards Survey 1995 -1997 1995 04/06/2011 01/30/2020
Mexico Population and Dwelling Count 1995 - IPUMS Subset 1995 04/22/2011 05/03/2018
Philippines Census of Population 1995 - IPUMS Subset 1995 04/26/2011 04/24/2018
Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 1995 1995 02/26/2013 06/21/2017
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Ghana, Guatemala, Jamaica, Kyrgyz Republic, Nicaragua, Panama Financial Access 1995-2002 1995 11/21/2013 05/24/2021
South Africa Omnibus February Survey 1995 1995 08/26/2013 09/21/2021
South Africa Omnibus September Survey 1995 1995 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
Israel Census of Population and Housing 1995 - IPUMS Subset 1995 09/24/2014 05/03/2018
Nepal Living Standards Survey 1995-1996, First Round 1995 06/08/2015 01/30/2020
Bulgaria Integrated Household Survey 1995 1995 05/28/2015 01/30/2020
Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions 1995 1995 10/08/2015 01/30/2020
Ecuador Encuesta Condiciones de Vida 1995 1995 10/13/2016 01/30/2020
Uganda Negotiating Reproductive Outcomes Survey 1995-1996 1995 08/30/2017 08/30/2017
Egypt, Arab Rep. Demographic and Health Survey 1995 - IPUMS Subset 1995 08/15/2018 05/14/2020
Uganda Demographic and Health Survey 1995 - IPUMS Subset 1995 08/15/2018 05/14/2020
Mali Demographic and Health Survey 1995-1996 - IPUMS Subset 1995 08/15/2018 05/01/2020
Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey 1994 - IPUMS Subset 1994 08/15/2018 01/20/2021
Côte d'Ivoire Demographic and Health Survey 1994 - IPUMS Subset 1994 08/15/2018 05/14/2020
Tanzania Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey 1994 1994 06/27/2017 06/27/2017
Ethiopia Population and Housing Census 1994 - IPUMS Subset 1994 12/22/2016 12/22/2016
Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions 1994 1994 09/24/2015 01/30/2020
South Africa Omnibus Survey 1994 1994 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey 1994 1994 02/26/2013 06/21/2017
South Africa OHS-LFS Consistent Series Weights 1994-2007 1994 08/26/2013 05/01/2014
Peru Encuesta Nacional de Hogares sobre Medición de Niveles de Vida 1994 1994 05/09/2011 01/30/2020
South Africa October Household Survey 1994 1994 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
Ecuador Encuesta de Salud Materna e Infantil 1994 1994 02/08/2012 07/08/2014
Haiti Enquête Mortalité, Morbidité et Utilisation des Services 1994-1995 1994 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 1994 1994 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
South Africa IDASA National Election Survey 1994 1994 01/09/2013 05/01/2014
Morocco General census of Population and Housing 1994 - IPUMS Subset 1994 10/17/2012 05/03/2018
Central African Republic Enquête Démographique et de Santé 1994-1995 1994 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
Côte d'Ivoire Enquête Démographique et de Santé 1994 1994 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 1993-1994 1993 02/26/2013 05/26/2017
Bolivia Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud 1993-1994 1993 02/26/2013 05/26/2017
South Africa HIV Infection/AIDS-Related Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices 1993 1993 01/09/2013 05/07/2014
Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 1993 1993 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 1993 1993 02/26/2013 06/26/2017
Philippines National Demographic Survey 1993 1993 02/26/2013 06/21/2017
El Salvador Encuesta Nacional de Salud Familiar 1993 1993 02/06/2012 07/08/2014
Indonesia Family Life Survey 1993, IFLS1 / SAKERTI 93 1993 08/07/2012 09/26/2013
South Africa October Household Survey 1993 1993 01/27/2012 05/01/2014
South Africa Post Apartheid Labour Market Series 1993-2019 1993 01/27/2012 05/26/2020
South Africa Project for Statistics on Living Standards and Development 1993 1993 01/27/2012 09/08/2017
South Africa Kwazulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study 1993-1998, Waves 1 and 2 1993 01/27/2012 05/07/2014
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Industrial Survey 1993 1993 01/27/2012 05/07/2014
Peru National Censuses: IX Population and IV Housing Peru 1993 - IPUMS Subset 1993 04/22/2011 04/24/2018
India Socio-Economic Survey, Household Schedule 10: Employment and Unemployment July, 1993-June, 1994 - IPUMS Subset 1993 04/28/2011 04/30/2018
Colombia XVI National Population and V de Housing Census1993 - IPUMS Subset 1993 04/21/2011 04/18/2019
Armenia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic Household Expenditure and Income Data for Transitional Economies 1993-1998 1993 04/01/2011 04/27/2021
Tanzania Human Resource Development Survey 1993 1993 04/01/2011 01/30/2020
South Africa Integrated Household Survey 1993 1993 03/29/2011 01/30/2020
Kyrgyz Republic Multipurpose Poverty Survey 1993 1993 03/28/2011 01/30/2020
Turkiye Demographic and Health Survey 1993 1993 02/26/2013 06/13/2022
South Africa Omnibus Survey 1993 1993 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
South Africa Launching Democracy 1993-1994 1993 08/26/2013 05/07/2014
Nicaragua Encuesta Nacional de Hogares sobre Medición de Niveles de Vida 1993 1993 10/01/2015 01/30/2020
Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions 1993 1993 10/08/2015 01/30/2020
Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 1993-1994 - IPUMS Subset 1993 08/15/2018 08/23/2018
Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 1993 - IPUMS Subset 1993 08/15/2018 05/14/2020
Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 1993 - IPUMS Subset 1993 08/15/2018 05/14/2020
Burkina Faso Demographic and Health Survey 1993 - IPUMS Subset 1993 05/01/2020 05/14/2020
Namibia Demographic and Health Survey 1992 - IPUMS Subset 1992 05/01/2020 05/14/2020
Senegal Demographic and Health Survey 1992-1993 - IPUMS Subset 1992 05/01/2020 05/14/2020
India Demographic and Health Survey 1992 - IPUMS Subset 1992 08/15/2018 05/14/2020
Madagascar Demographic and Health Survey 1992 - IPUMS Subset 1992 08/15/2018 05/14/2020
Morocco Demographic and Health Survey 1992 - IPUMS Subset 1992 08/15/2018 05/14/2020
Burkina Faso Demographic and Health Survey 1993, IPUMS Harmonized Subset 1992 08/15/2018 08/23/2018
Egypt, Arab Rep. Demographic and Health Survey 1992 - IPUMS Subset 1992 08/15/2018 05/14/2020
Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 1992 - IPUMS Subset 1992 08/15/2018 01/20/2021
Showing 5401-5500 of 5783