Ethiopia |
Socio-Economic Survey of Refugees in Ethiopia (SESRE) 2023
2022 |
05/29/2024 |
09/27/2024 |
Afghanistan, Armenia, Burundi...and 33 more |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Yemen, Rep. |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2009 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Chad |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2011 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
South Sudan |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Somalia |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Senegal |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Sudan |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Philippines |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Nigeria |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Niger |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Malawi |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Mauritania |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Mozambique |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Myanmar |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2008 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Mali |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Sri Lanka |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Libya |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2017 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Liberia |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Lebanon |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2012 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Lao PDR |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Kenya |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Iraq |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2012 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Indonesia |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Haiti |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Guinea-Bissau |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Gambia |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Guinea |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2008 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Congo, Rep. |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2011 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Congo, Dem. Rep. |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Cameroon |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Central African Republic |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Bangladesh |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Burkina Faso |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Burundi |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Armenia |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2008 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Afghanistan |
Monthly currency exchange rate estimates by market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Afghanistan, Armenia, Gambia, The...and 9 more |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Yemen, Rep. |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2009 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2011 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
South Sudan |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Somalia |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Nigeria |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Liberia |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Lebanon |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2012 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Lao PDR |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Iraq |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2012 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Gambia |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Armenia |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2008 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Afghanistan |
Monthly energy price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/24/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Afghanistan, Armenia, Bangladesh...and 33 more |
Monthly food price inflation estimates by country
2008 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Burkina Faso |
High Frequency Phone Survey 2020-2024
2020 |
08/20/2020 |
09/18/2024 |
Afghanistan, Armenia, Burundi...and 33 more |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Yemen, Rep. |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2009 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Chad |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2011 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
South Sudan |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Somalia |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Senegal |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Sudan |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Philippines |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Nigeria |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Niger |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Malawi |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Mauritania |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Mozambique |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Myanmar |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2008 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Mali |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Sri Lanka |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Libya |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2017 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Liberia |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Lebanon |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2012 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Lao PDR |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Kenya |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Iraq |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2012 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Indonesia |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Haiti |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Guinea-Bissau |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Gambia |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Guinea |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2008 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Congo, Rep. |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2011 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Congo, Dem. Rep. |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Cameroon |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Central African Republic |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Bangladesh |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Burkina Faso |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Burundi |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Armenia |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2008 |
01/31/2024 |
09/18/2024 |
Afghanistan |
Monthly food price estimates by product and market
2007 |
12/13/2023 |
09/18/2024 |
Bangladesh |
Demographic and Health Survey 2022
2022 |
09/09/2024 |
09/09/2024 |
Bangladesh |
The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children’s Development and Nutritional Status at Age 20 Months in Rural Bangladesh, 2022
2022 |
05/10/2024 |
09/05/2024 |
Nigeria |
Innovative Lending Products for Women-Led SMEs 2021
2021 |
08/26/2024 |
08/26/2024 |
Jordan |
Population and Family Health Survey 2023
2023 |
08/23/2024 |
08/23/2024 |
South Africa |
Quarterly Labour Force Survey 2024
2024 |
08/20/2024 |
08/20/2024 |
Ethiopia |
High Frequency Phone Survey 2020-2023
2020 |
06/11/2020 |
08/19/2024 |
Brazil |
Procurement Officials Survey 2024
2024 |
08/19/2024 |
08/19/2024 |
Moldova |
World Bank Group Country Survey 2024
2023 |
08/15/2024 |
08/15/2024 |
Cambodia |
World Bank Group Country Survey 2024
2024 |
08/15/2024 |
08/15/2024 |
Indonesia |
Survey of Businesses Receiving The People's Business Credit 2021
2021 |
08/13/2024 |
08/13/2024 |