Tajikistan |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005
2005 |
03/21/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Tajikistan |
Survey of Conflict Prevention and Cooperation 2004
2004 |
03/09/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Tajikistan |
Enterprise Survey 2002
2002 |
04/01/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Tajikistan |
Enterprise Survey 2005
2005 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Tajikistan |
Enterprise Survey 2008
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Tajikistan |
Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey 2003
2003 |
05/06/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Syrian Arab Republic |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2006, Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women
2006 |
03/22/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Sudan |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2000
2000 |
07/19/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Suriname |
Enterprise Survey 2010
2011 |
12/15/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
St. Vincent & Grenadines |
Enterprise Survey 2010
2011 |
12/07/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
St.Kitts and Nevis |
Enterprise Survey 2010
2011 |
12/07/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
St. Lucia |
Enterprise Survey 2010
2011 |
12/15/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Sri Lanka |
Management Practices Survey 2011
2011 |
05/21/2012 |
09/26/2013 |
Sri Lanka |
Investment Climate Survey 2004
2004 |
06/05/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Sri Lanka |
Formalization Experiment Data 2008-2011
2008 |
10/23/2012 |
09/26/2013 |
Sri Lanka |
Impact Evaluation Surveys of Business Training for Women 2009-2011
2009 |
06/18/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
Sri Lanka |
Enterprise Survey 2011
2011 |
05/11/2012 |
09/26/2013 |
Sri Lanka |
Demographic and Health Survey 2006-2007
2006 |
02/26/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
South Africa |
Investment Climate Survey 2004
2004 |
05/11/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
South Africa |
Impact Evaluation of the Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme 2010
2010 |
07/13/2012 |
09/26/2013 |
South Africa |
Enterprise Survey 2007
2007 |
05/17/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Somalia |
Global Financial Inclusion (Global Findex) Database 2011
2011 |
12/12/2012 |
09/26/2013 |
Slovenia |
Enterprise Survey 2005
2005 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Slovenia |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Slovenia |
Enterprise Survey 2002
2002 |
04/01/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Slovak Republic |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Slovak Republic |
Enterprise Survey 2005
2005 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Slovak Republic |
Enterprise Survey 2002
2002 |
04/01/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Sierra Leone |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010
2010 |
01/23/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
Sierra Leone |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005
2005 |
03/22/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Sierra Leone |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2000
2000 |
07/19/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Sierra Leone |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Serbia and Montenegro |
Enterprise Survey 2002
2002 |
04/01/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Serbia and Montenegro |
Enterprise Survey 2005
2005 |
04/01/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Serbia |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010 - Roma Settlements
2010 |
01/11/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
Serbia |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010
2010 |
01/11/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
Serbia |
Management, Organization and Innovation Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Serbia |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005, Monitoring the situation of children and women
2005 |
03/22/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Serbia |
Investment Climate Survey 2003
2003 |
05/06/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Serbia |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Senegal |
Investment Climate Survey 2003
2003 |
05/11/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Senegal |
Enterprise Survey 2007
2007 |
05/17/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Senegal |
Enquête à Indicateurs Multiples 2000, Enquête sur les objectives de la fin de decennie sur l'enfance
2000 |
07/19/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Samoa |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2009 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Rwanda |
Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006
2006 |
04/21/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Rwanda |
Enterprise Survey 2006
2006 |
04/21/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Rwanda |
Enquête à Indicateurs Multiples 2000
2000 |
07/19/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Russian Federation |
Management, Organization and Innovation Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Russian Federation |
Financial Literacy Diagnostic Surveys 2008 and 2009 (Panel)
2008 |
05/17/2012 |
09/26/2013 |
Russian Federation |
Enterprise Survey 2012
2011 |
12/05/2012 |
09/26/2013 |
Russian Federation |
Enterprise Survey 2005
2005 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Russian Federation |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Russian Federation |
Enterprise Survey 2002
2002 |
04/01/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Romania |
Management, Organization and Innovation Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Romania |
Financial Crisis Survey 2010, Second Round
2010 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Romania |
Financial Crisis Survey 2010, Third Round
2010 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Romania |
Financial Literacy and Financial Services Survey 2010
2010 |
05/17/2012 |
09/26/2013 |
Romania |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Romania |
Financial Crisis Survey 2009, First Round
2009 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Romania |
Enterprise Survey 2005
2005 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Romania |
Enterprise Survey 2002
2002 |
04/01/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Poland |
Management, Organization and Innovation Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Poland |
Enterprise Survey 2005
2005 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Poland |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2008 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Poland |
Enterprise Survey 2002
2002 |
04/01/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Philippines |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 1999
1999 |
07/19/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Philippines |
Investment Climate Survey 2003
2003 |
05/11/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Philippines |
KALAHI-CIDSS Impact Evaluation 2003-2010
2003 |
03/19/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
Philippines |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2009 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Peru |
Investment Climate Survey 2002
2002 |
05/06/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Peru |
Informal Survey 2010
2010 |
04/11/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Peru |
Enterprise Survey 2010
2010 |
06/05/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Peru |
Enterprise Survey 2006
2006 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Peru |
Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar 2009
2009 |
08/16/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
Paraguay |
Enterprise Survey 2006
2006 |
03/30/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Paraguay |
Enterprise Survey 2010
2010 |
12/15/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Panama |
Enterprise Survey 2010
2010 |
12/03/2012 |
09/26/2013 |
Panama |
Enterprise Survey 2006
2006 |
03/24/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Lebanon |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Palestinian Refugee Camps, Lebanon 2006, Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women
2005 |
03/22/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Pakistan |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010 - Balochistan
2010 |
01/30/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
Pakistan |
Investment Climate Survey 2002
2002 |
06/05/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Pakistan |
Enterprise Survey 2007
2006 |
06/05/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Nigeria |
Enterprise Survey 2007
2007 |
05/17/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Nigeria |
Demographic and Health Survey 1999
1999 |
02/26/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
Niger |
Enterprise Survey 2005
2005 |
04/26/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Niger |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2009 |
03/24/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Niger |
Enquête à Indicateurs Multiples 2000
2000 |
07/19/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Nicaragua |
Investment Climate Survey 2003
2003 |
05/11/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Nicaragua |
Enterprise Survey 2010
2010 |
12/07/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Nicaragua |
Enterprise Survey 2006
2006 |
03/24/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Nepal |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010
2010 |
01/22/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
Nepal |
Micro-Enterprise Survey 2009
2009 |
03/24/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Nepal |
Informal Survey 2009
2009 |
03/24/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Nepal |
Employee Survey 2009
2009 |
03/24/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Nepal |
Enterprise Survey 2009
2009 |
03/24/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Namibia |
Micro-Enterprise Survey 2006
2006 |
04/21/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Namibia |
Enterprise Survey 2006
2006 |
04/21/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Myanmar |
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2000
2000 |
07/19/2011 |
09/26/2013 |
Mozambique |
People's Security Survey 2005-2006
2005 |
08/26/2013 |
09/26/2013 |
Mozambique |
Enterprise Survey 2007
2007 |
05/17/2011 |
09/26/2013 |