Catalog History

Country Title Year Created Modified
Nigeria Growth & Employment Program - Insourcing and Outsourcing Impact Evaluation Data 2016-2019 2016 07/01/2021 07/01/2021
Mali World Bank Group Country Survey 2020 2020 06/30/2021 06/30/2021
Gabon World Bank Group Country Survey 2020 2020 06/30/2021 06/30/2021
Serbia World Bank Group Country Survey 2020 2020 06/30/2021 06/30/2021
Uruguay World Bank Group Country Survey 2020 2020 06/28/2021 06/28/2021
Equatorial Guinea World Bank Group Country Survey 2020 2020 06/28/2021 06/28/2021
Maldives World Bank Group Country Survey 2021 2021 06/28/2021 06/28/2021
Chad World Bank Group Country Survey 2021 2020 06/28/2021 06/28/2021
South Sudan High Frequency Survey: Market Linkages Survey 2017 2017 06/24/2021 06/24/2021
Lesotho World Bank Group Country Survey 2021 2021 06/16/2021 06/16/2021
Iraq High Frequency Phone Survey 2020-2021 2020 06/03/2021 05/25/2022
Mozambique Impact Evaluation of Scaled-up Early Childhood Development Activities in Rural Mozambique 2019 2019 06/02/2021 06/07/2024
Indonesia World Bank Group Country Survey 2021 2021 06/01/2021 06/01/2021
Bosnia-Herzegovina World Bank Group Country Survey 2021 2020 06/01/2021 06/01/2021
Afghanistan World Bank Group Country Survey 2021 2020 06/01/2021 06/01/2021
Zimbabwe Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey 2019, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Tongorara Refugee Camp 2019 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Zimbabwe Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey 2017 2017 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Somalia Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey 2017 2017 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Zambia Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey 2017 2017 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Rwanda Socio-Economic Assessment of Refugees in Rwanda's Gihembe, Kigeme and Kiziba Camps 2016 2016 05/27/2021 08/22/2022
Malawi Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey 2017 2017 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Malawi Socio-Economic Assessment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Malawi's Dzaleka and Luwani Camps 2017 2017 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Mozambique Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey 2017 2017 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Lebanon Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Syrian Refugee Households Wave 1, 2020 2020 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Lebanon Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Non-Syrian Refugee Households Wave 2, 2020 2020 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Kenya Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey 2017 2017 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Lebanon Monitoring of the Effects of Economic Deterioration on Non-Syrian Refugee Households Wave 1, 2020 2020 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Kenya Socio-Economic Assessment of Refugees in Kenya's Kakuma Camp 2015 2015 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Kenya Measuring Statelessness: A Study of the Pemba - 2016 2016 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Jordan Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey 2017 2017 05/27/2021 05/27/2021
Chad Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey in 2017 2017 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Burkina Faso Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey in 2017 2017 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Burkina Faso Socio-Economic Assessment of Malian Refugees - 2016 2016 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Argentina Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey in 2017 2017 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Afghanistan Socio-Economic Assessment of IDPS and Returnees in the Five Most Populated Settlements of Afghanistan's Herat Province 2017 2017 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Afghanistan Socio-Economic Assessment of Pakistani Refugees in Afghanistan's Khost and Paktika Provinces 2017 2017 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Zimbabwe Socio-Economic Assessment of Refugees in Tongogara Camp 2017 2017 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Uganda WASH KAP Survey, Palorinya Refugee Settlement Zone 3 - 2018 2018 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Uganda WASH KAP Survey, Kyangwali Refugee Settlement 2018 2018 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Tanzania Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey in Kigoma Refugee Camps (Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli) - October 2019 2019 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Tanzania Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey in Kigoma Refugee Camps (Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli) - October 2018 2018 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Tanzania Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey in Kigoma Refugee Camps (Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli) - October 2017 2017 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Tanzania Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey in Kigoma Refugee Camps (Nyarugusu, Nduta and Mtendeli) - December 2016 2016 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Sudan Progress Towards Durable Solutions in Abu Shouk and El Salam IDP Camps, 2019 2018 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Philippines Profiling Internally Displaced Persons of the Marawi Conflict, 2018 2018 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Philippines Zamboanga Home-Based Internally Displaced Persons Re-Profiling, 2016 2016 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Peru Protection Monitoring, 2020 2018 05/21/2021 05/21/2021
Guinea Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey in 2017 2017 05/20/2021 05/20/2021
Ethiopia Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey in 2017 2017 05/20/2021 05/20/2021
Ghana Livelihoods Programme Monitoring Beneficiary Survey in 2017 2017 05/20/2021 05/20/2021
Cameroon Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey in the Central African Refugee Sites of the Eastern Region and Adamou 2015 2015 05/20/2021 05/20/2021
Cameroon Socio-Economic Assessement of Central African Refugees in Cameroon's Adamanou, Eastern and Northern Regions 2016 2016 05/20/2021 05/20/2021
Gambia Demographic and Health Survey 2019-2020 2019 05/19/2021 08/26/2021
Panama Protection Monitoring, 2020 2019 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Nigeria Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic Among Persons of Concern, July 2020 2020 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Niger WASH KAP Survey Diffa Region, Sayam Forage - August 2018 2018 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Niger WASH KAP Survey Diffa Region, Kablewa - December 2016 2016 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Mauritania Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Socio-Economic and Protection Situation of Refugees in the Mbera Refugee Camp, July 2020 2020 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Mozambique Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Survey – Maratane Refugee Camp 2019 2019 05/13/2021 05/28/2021
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Refugees of Other Nationalities - 2019 2019 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Lebanon COVID19 Refugee Household Monitoring 2020 2020 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, 2020 2020 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees - 2019 2019 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Arsaal - 2019 2019 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees - 2018 2018 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees - 2017 2017 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees - 2016 2016 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Kenya Socio-Economic Profiling Survey of Refugees in Kalobeyei 2018 2018 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Lebanon Phone Survey - Monitoring of the Effects of the Economic Deterioration on Syrian Refugee Households Wave 2, 2020 2020 05/13/2021 05/21/2021
Kenya Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees - Round 1, 2020 2020 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Kenya Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees - Round 2, 2020 2020 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Kenya Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Refugees - Panel Study 2020 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Kenya Socioeconomic Survey of the Stateless Shona in 2019 2019 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Iraq Profiling of South and Central Governorates - 2016 2016 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Guatemala Protection Monitoring, 2020 2019 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Greece Thessaloniki : Profiling Survey of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Third Country Nationals Not Registered with the Asylum Service, 2019 2018 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Ethiopia WASH KAP and Coverage Survey in Refugee Sites – Shire Region Shimelba Camp, 2017 2017 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Ethiopia WASH KAP and Coverage Survey in Refugee Sites – Shire Region May-Aini Camp, 2017 2017 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Ethiopia WASH KAP and Coverage Survey in Refugee Sites – Shire Region Hitsats Camp, 2017 2017 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Ethiopia WASH KAP and Coverage Survey in Refugee Sites – Shire Region Adi-Harush Camp, 2017 2017 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Ethiopia WASH KAP and Coverage Survey in Refugee Sites – Gambella Region Tierkidi, 2017 2017 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Ethiopia WASH KAP and Coverage Survey in Refugee Sites – Gambella Region Pugnido II, 2017 2017 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Ethiopia WASH KAP and Coverage Survey in Refugee Sites – Gambella Region Pugnido I, 2017 2017 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Ethiopia WASH KAP and Coverage Survey in Refugee Sites – Gambella Region Kule, 2017 2017 05/13/2021 05/13/2021
Philippines Integrating Sanitation Programming in the Pantawid Pamilya Program 2015-2018, Impact Evaluation 2015 05/12/2021 05/12/2021
Zambia COVID-19 Household Monitoring Phone Survey 2020, Round 1 2020 05/12/2021 05/12/2021
Ethiopia Mini Demographic and Health Survey 2019 2019 05/11/2021 05/11/2021
Zimbabwe World Bank Group Country Survey 2020 2020 05/04/2021 05/04/2021
Timor-Leste World Bank Group Country Survey 2020 2020 05/04/2021 05/04/2021
Zimbabwe Afrobarometer Survey 2010, Round 4.5 2010 05/04/2021 05/05/2021
Nigeria Afrobarometer Survey 2007, Round 3.5 2007 05/04/2021 05/04/2021
Nigeria Afrobarometer Survey 2001, Round 1.5 2001 05/04/2021 05/04/2021
Republic of Cabo Verde World Bank Group Country Survey 2020 2020 05/03/2021 05/03/2021
São Tomé and Príncipe COVID-19 Household Monitoring Survey 2020 2020 04/29/2021 04/29/2021
Indonesia High-Frequency Monitoring of COVID-19 Impacts Rounds 1-8, 2020-2023 2020 04/29/2021 05/26/2023
Namibia Afrobarometer Survey 2019, Round 8 2019 04/28/2021 04/28/2021
Ghana Afrobarometer Survey 2019, Round 8 2019 04/28/2021 04/28/2021
Botswana Afrobarometer Survey 2019, Round 8 2019 04/28/2021 04/28/2021
Cambodia Increasing Early Childhood Care and Development through Community Preschools in Cambodia 2016, Baseline Survey 2016 04/27/2021 04/27/2021
Haiti Projet Initiative de Renforcement des Services Scolaires 2012 2012 04/27/2021 04/27/2021
Showing 2101-2200 of 5550